Even if some or all of your drivers are exempt from ELDs it doesn’t mean you should completely dismiss using them. From consistent and accurate recordkeeping to driver safety and customer satisfaction, the benefits of fleet management technology and gps tracking go way beyond hours of service compliance. We’ve outlined why so many short haul fleets are installing ELDs.
Use this resource to find out if ELDs are right for your fleet.
Who qualifies for the short haul exemption?
First thing’s first – identifying if all or some of your short haul drivers are exempt from the ELD mandate. According to FMCSA, in order to qualify for this exemption, you must meet the following criteria:
- Start and end your shift at the same location within 14 consecutive hours
- Not exceed a 150 air-mile radius from your starting location
- Drive no more than 11 hours during your shift
- Take at least ten consecutive hours off between shifts
If your driver doesn’t meet one of the conditions above, they must maintain RODS for that day. If they must maintain RODS for more than 8 days in a rolling 30 day period, they will be required to use an ELD and no longer qualify for the ELD exemption. In September of last year, the short haul criteria was expanded to 150 air-miles and a 14 hour work shift. Even with this additional flexibility short haul fleets are finding benefits from their ELD technology.
Beyond compliance – the benefits of telematics
If you haven’t already switched to ELDs, consider the benefits:
- Better customer service – With precise GPS tracking and reliable fleet technology, you can pinpoint where a driver is at any given moment. Accurate delivery estimates and real-time notifications can improve customer communication and satisfaction.
- Reduce paperwork – ELDs can streamline data collection and reduce time spent chasing down drivers for messy and error prone paperwork.
- Easier IFTA/IRP documentation – Fleet technology that offers tax management can greatly alleviate the tedious burden placed on drivers to fill out FTRs and VTRs.
- Improve driver safety – Driver behavior data, including harsh braking and speeding can be helpful for coaching and improving safety overall.
- Advanced fleet maintenance – Electronic DVIRs with customizable templates and automated reminders make it easy for your fleet to keep current on vehicle maintenance and avoid unplanned repairs.
- More efficient operations – The data from your ELD can help streamline operations and cut costs. Robust, yet easy to read reports give insight to asset utilization, fuel efficiency and costly idle times so you can ensure each dollar is spent productively.
A smarter way to operate short haul
At EROAD, we’ve designed a new and intelligent way of operating under the short haul exemption on your ELD. You can stop worrying about going over hours or running out of miles. EROAD’s Smart Short Haul does the heavy lifting by automatically changing rulesets when drivers breach either the total hours limit or the air-mile limit of the short haul exemption.
Smart Short Haul removes the guesswork for drivers and helps fleets stay in compliance with the following features:
- Visual and audible alerts enable drivers to easily stay within parameters for the exemption, and if exceeded, helps produce the RODS for the day.
- Built-in prompts remind drivers to take breaks when appropriate
- Short Haul Export provides you with details of which criteria was exceeded by each driver to better understand compliance trends.
As you can see, while short haul fleets are exempt from ELDs, there are many benefits to using them. If you haven’t already, consider EROAD for your technology provider.